Università degli studi di Genova   unige

The siglario contains all the abbreviations as listed in the Liste des périodiques dépouillés in APh volumes from I (1924-1926) up to now.
By Chiara Margaritelli (APh 11-67, 76 et seq.) and Laura Moisello (APh 1-10 and 68-75).

Sigla Description Informations
571 BPhM Bulletin de Philosophie médiévale. Louvain, Secrétariat de la Société internationale pour l’étude de la philosophie médiévale Da APh 36 (1965) a APh APh 68 (1997) la rivista è indicata come: Bulletin de la Société internationale pour l'étude de la philosophie médiévale. Louvain-la-Neuve, [s. n.]. Non spogliata in APh 65 (1994). - Da APh: 36 (1965) - Ad APh: 69 (1998)
572 BPhW Berliner Philologische Wochenschrift. , - Da APh: 1 (1924-1926) - Ad APh: 2 (1927)
573 BPI Bullettino Paletnologico Italiano. Roma, [s. n.] - Da APh: 1 (1924-1926) - Ad APh: 15 (1940-1941)
574 BPKS Berichte (Amtliche) der Preussischen Kunstsammlungen. [s. l.], [s. n.] - Da APh: 1 (1924-1926) - Ad APh: 9 (1934)
575 BQR Bodleian Quarterly Record. Oxford, - Da APh: 1 (1924-1926) - Ad APh: 10 (1935)
576 BR Budapest Règisègei. Budapest, A. Fövárosi Muzeum Kiadása - Da APh: 17 (1945-1946) - Ad APh: 22 (1951)
577 BR Bucknell Review. Lewisburg, Bucknell University Press - Da APh: 34 (1963) - Ad APh: 61 (1990)
578 BRGK Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission / Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. Mainz, von Zabern In APh 10 (1935) la rivista è indicata come: Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission. Berlin, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. La rivista non è spogliata in APh 18 (1947). Da APh 19 (1948) la rivista viene indicata come: Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Berlin, de Gruyter. - Da APh: 10 (1935)
579 BritAA British archaeological abstracts. London, Council for British Archaeology Non spogliata in APh 63 (1992) e in APh (1993). - Da APh: 39 (1968) - Ad APh: 69 (1998)
580 BritAB British archaeological bibliography. London, University College, Institute of Archaeology Non spogliata in APh 66 (1995). - Da APh: 63 (1992) - Ad APh: 71 (2000)
581 Britannia Britannia: a journal of Romano-British and kindred studies. London, Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies - Da APh: 42 (1971) - Ad APh: 70 (1999)
582 BrittAA Britisch Archaeology Abstracts. London, Council of Britisch Archaeology - Da APh: 39 (1968)
583 BRL Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester. Manchester, John Rylands University Library of Manchester Da APh 1 (1924-1926) ad APh 69 (1998) la rivista è indicata: Bulletin of the John Rylands Library. Manchester, University Press. Non spogliata in APh 16 (1942-1944). - Da APh: 1 (1924-1926)
584 BROB Bericht van de Rijksdienst voor het oudheidkunding Bodemonderzoek. s'-Gravenhage, Staatsdrkkerij - Da APh: 35 (1964) - Ad APh: 59 (1988)
585 BS Bulletin des sommaires des périodiques français et éntrangers. Paris, Association por l'encouragements des études grecques - Da APh: 11 (1936) - Ad APh: 15 (1940-1941)