The LESSICO DEI GRAMMATICI GRECI ANTICHI (LGGA) represents an online reference tool, specifically dedicated to the field of ancient Greek philology, grammar and scholarship.
This website, which was opened in 2002, has seen the in-progress publication of cards regarding figures who are relevant, from various points of view, for exegesis as well as erudite and philological-grammatical research in the ancient world. The list of figures taken into consideration has progressively increased up to a total amount of more than 570. The cards available for downloading are now over 300.
Starting from November 2015, LGGA is published by Brill under the name of
Lexicon of Greek Grammarians of Antiquity
The new web site publishes initially all the cards that were available on Aristarchus, for some of which the corresponding English version will be made available immediately. Over time each card will be updated and supplied with an English translation. In addition, the cards not yet included will be progressively added. As in the past, each card is made up of:
Università di Genova
Università di Milano
Università di Milano
Università di Genova
Università di Genova
Università di Genova
Università di Genova
Università di Palermo
Università di Firenze
Università di Messina
Università di Pavia, Sede di Cremona
Università di Genova
Università di Genova
Università di Genova
Università di Genova
Università di Genova
Università di Genova
Università di Pavia, Sede di Cremona
Università di Bari
Università di Genova
Università di Messina
Università di Bologna