Supplementary Lexicon of Ancient Greek

Directed by Franco Montanari, Serena Perrone Università degli studi di Genova   unige

τείρων -ωνος, ὁ

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[lat. tiro] sost. recluta IBCH 52.392 PLips. 34.29 (IVp) Lyd. Mag. 6.11, al. ecc.


GI3 Franco Montanari, GI – Vocabolario della lingua greca, III edizione
WB Friederich Preisigke, WB – Wörterbuch der griechischen Papyrusurkunden
LSJ Henry Liddell, Robert Scott, Henry Stuart Jones, LSJ – A Greek-English Lexicon
PGL Geoffrey William Hugo Lampe, PGL – A Patristic Greek Lexicon


cfr. GI2, GG, GI3, GEp, GEo, PGL s.v. τίρων -ωνος, ὁ.

Cristina Esposto | Creato: 4/27/2015 | Modificato: 12/12/2017